31% at 1000 μg/ml, followed by a moderate inhibition percentage a

31% at 1000 μg/ml, followed by a moderate inhibition percentage and 43.41% at 500 μg/ml respectively. Hydrogen peroxide itself is not reactive, as it can sometimes be toxic to cell because it may give rise to OH radical in the cells. Addition of hydrogen peroxide to cells in culture can lead to transition metal ion dependent OH radicals mediated DNA damage. Scavenging of hydrogen peroxide by our crude endophytic extract

may be attributed to their phenolic nature, which can donate electrons to H2O2, thus Rapamycin neutralizing it to water.21 Nitric oxide scavenging activity of EEA is listed Table 4. In case of nitric oxide scavenging activity, EEA showed high activity 69.24% at 1000 μg/ml followed by a moderate activity 35.40% at 400 μg/ml. BHT and Ascorbic acid were used as the positive control. Nitric oxide is a diffusible free radical, which plays many roles as an effector molecule including neuronal signaling, and regulation of cell mediated toxicity. Nitric oxide (NO) is generated in different cell types by at least three

isoforms of NO synthase (NOS). Neuronal NOS (nNOS) and endothelial NOS (eNOS) are constitutively expressed and their enzymatic activity is Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent.22 Suppression of NO released may be partially attributed to direct NO scavenging, as the extract decreased the amount of nitrite generated from the decomposition of sodium nitroprusside in vitro. Based on the results obtained from the in vitro α-glucosidase inhibition, EEA was found this website to show high activity. Hence in vivo studies were carried out using EEA on lowering maltose and sucrose levels in the blood. At 30 min after maltose load, the normal control for animals had shown an increase in plasma glucose level; whereas the EEA treated as well as the Acarbose treated animals had not shown any significant rise in plasma glucose level. As shown in Table 5 incubation of the EEA at different concentrations with intestinal alpha glucosidase enzyme caused an increased

activity with 83.33% inhibition when incubated at 1000 μg/ml concentration. However, the inhibitory effect was equally comparable to that of the acarbose, which is well known alpha glucosidase inhibitor. With the interesting result obtained using EEA, further in vivo study of α-glucosidase inhibition was carried out. The study reveals that there is no significant rise in the plasma glucose level. At 30 min after administration of maltose and sucrose orally, the normal control animals had shown an increase in plasma glucose level 109.79 mg/dl at 120 min; whereas the EEA treated as well as the Acarbose treated animals had not shown any significant rise in plasma glucose level. At 60 min after sucrose load, the control animals had shown an increase in plasma glucose level 118.81 mg/dl whereas the EEA treated as well as the Acarbose treated animals had not shown any rise in plasma glucose level Tables 6 and 7.

1 The main risk factors for HCC are hepatitis B or C virus infect

1 The main risk factors for HCC are hepatitis B or C virus infection, alcohol-induced liver disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, primary biliary cirrhosis and exposure to environmental carcinogens particularly aflatoxin, and genetic metabolic disorders.2 The diagnosis of HCC is typically based on radiological liver imaging in combination with serum α-fetoprotein (AFP). AFP is a tumor marker that is elevated in 60%–70% of patients with HCC. To date, it has been difficult to detect the asymptomatic lesions in early HCC. Consequently,

selleck inhibitor most of HCC patients are diagnosed at a late stage when they are not candidate for curative therapy.3 This highlights the need for innovative and cost effective approaches for early diagnosis and therapy of this illness.4 The liver is a rich source of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). GAGs are linear polymers composed of alternating amino sugar and hexuronic acid residues and distributed as side chains of proteoglycans (PGs) in the extracellular matrix (ECM) or at the cell surface of the tissues. Major GAGs include chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS) and heparan sulfate/heparin (HS/Hep).5 GAGs have been implicated in the regulation and maintenance of cell adhesion, cell proliferation, cytodifferentiation and tissue morphogenesis.6 A

recent study revealed that the development of HCC is accompanied by a significant increase in GAGs together with a significant reduction in serum insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) level.7 The role of chemotherapy in NLG919 manufacturer the treatment of patients with HCC remains controversial. Unfortunately, the activity of a single agent is limited, with only a few drugs showing a response rate >10%. Moreover, combination chemotherapy has proven equally disappointing, because additional the drugs have resulted in increased toxicity without any increased efficacy compared with single agent.8 Therefore, there is no drug or protocol of treatment that can be recommended as standard therapy for this group of patients. For these reasons,

there is an urgent need to investigate new drugs. Viscum album L. is a semi parasitic plant growing on different host trees with a cytotoxic activity. 9 It is provided by ABNOBA Heilmittel GmbH, Germany, and packaged in Egypt by Atos Pharma. It is prepared in the form of ampoules of aqueous injectable solution contains 1 mL of viscum fraxini-2 (15 mg extract of 20 mg mistletoe herb from ash tree, diluted in disodium-mono-hydrogen phosphate, ascorbic acid and water). The current research study aimed to evaluate the significance of measuring serum concentrations of some individual components of GAGs and their degradation enzymes as predictive markers for early diagnosis of HCC and also to assess the efficacy and safety of viscum fraxini-2 in the treatment of patients with HCC.

Dans le suivi des patients sclérodermiques, l’échographie cardiaq

Dans le suivi des patients sclérodermiques, l’échographie cardiaque doit être annuelle et les patients à risque doivent passer un cathétérisme cardiaque droit dans les meilleurs délais. L’HTAP n’est pas la seule forme d’HTP chez les patients selleck inhibitor sclérodermiques, qui peuvent être touchés par une fibrose pulmonaire responsable d’une HTP secondaire ou peuvent avoir une dysfonction diastolique du ventricule

gauche. En absence de fibrose pulmonaire, l’HTAP peut être également observée chez les patients avec un lupus érythémateux, une connectivite mixte, un syndrome Gougerot Sjögren, une polyarthrite rhumatoïde ou une polymyosite mais sa prévalence reste inconnue – probablement plus basse que celle associée à la sclérodermie. L’HTAP est une complication rare de l’infection par le VIH avec une prévalence estimée de 0,5 % [24]. Depuis l’introduction des thérapies antirétrovirales, puis selleckchem du traitement spécifique de l’HTAP dans la pratique courante, le pronostic de la maladie s’est

amélioré progressivement et, à ce jour, nous pouvons même constater des normalisations hémodynamiques chez les patients HTAP-VIH [24]. Le mécanisme de ce phénomène n’est pas clair : le virus n’étant pas été retrouvé au niveau de l’endothélium pulmonaire, l’hypothèse principale incrimine un processus inflammatoire indirect par une augmentation des cytokines pro-inflammatoires, des facteurs de croissance ou de l’endothéline, entraîné par le virus [24]. L’hypertension porto-pulmonaire est retrouvée chez 2 à 6 % des patients ayant une hypertension portale [25]. L’apparition de cette forme d’HTAP

est indépendante de la gravité de la maladie hépatique, mais le pronostic à long terme dépend de celle-ci et de second l’hémodynamique au cathétérisme cardiaque droit. Par rapport à l’HTAPi, les données concernant la survie sont discordantes entre les registres français et américain : une meilleure survie vs HTAPi dans le registre français et le contraire dans le registre américain REVEAL [25] and [26]. Cette différence provient probablement du recrutement des patients, avec aux États-Unis des patients référés pour une transplantation hépatique ayant une cirrhose grave, et en France, des patients avec une cirrhose modérée [25] and [26]. Grâce aux progrès médicaux de ces dernières années, de plus en plus de patients avec une cardiopathie congénitale atteignent l’âge adulte. On estime qu’environ 10 % de ces patients ont une HTAP associée. Pour faciliter et homogénéiser le diagnostic et par conséquence la prise en charge, une nouvelle classification des HTAP associées à des cardiopathies congénitales a été proposée lors du congrès de Nice en 2013 (encadré 2) [1].

The repeatability of the developed UPLC method was checked by a s

The repeatability of the developed UPLC method was checked by a six-fold analysis

of the Metoclopramide sample spiked with the four impurities. The RSD of peak area was calculated for each impurity. Inter and Intra-day variation and analyst variation were studied to determine the intermediate precision of the developed method. The RSD of the area of Metoclopramide related compound ACETYLMETO, ACMA, CLEE and ACME was within 0.3%. The RSD of results obtained BMS-777607 in vitro in intermediate precision studies was within 0.9% (Table 2). Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) values were determined using the signal to noise ratio method. The LOD of Metoclopramide and its impurities were found to be in the

range of 0.001–0.004 μg/mL (of analyte concentration 1 mg/mL). The LOQ of Metoclopramide and its impurities were found to be in the range of 0.07–0.1 μg/mL. The precision for Metoclopramide and its impurities at LOQ level was below 3.0% RSD (Table 3). The linearity of the test method was established from the LOQ to 150% of the test concentration for Metoclopramide and its related substances. The correlation coefficients obtained were greater than 0.9999. The result showed that an excellent correlation existed between the peak area and concentration of the analyte (Table 4). The accuracy of an analytical procedure expresses the closeness of agreement between the reference value and the value found. The percentage recovery of ACETYLMETO, ACMA, CLEE and ACME ranged from 99 to 105% (Table 5). Chromatograms of HKI-272 concentration spiked samples at 0.2% level of all four impurities in a Metoclopramide sample are shown in Fig. 3. The robustness of an analytical procedure is a measure of its capacity to remain unaffected Megestrol Acetate by small but deliberate variations in chromatographic method parameters and provided an indication of its reliability during normal usage. In all the varied chromatographic conditions (flow rate, pH of the mobile phase and column temperature), the resolution between impurities and analyte was found to be more than 2.0 (Table 6).

The %RSD values of the four impurities during solution stability and mobile phase stability experiments were within 1.0%. No significant change was observed in the content of impurities during solution stability and mobile phase stability experiments confirm that sample solutions and mobile phase used during the study were stable up to 48 h. The simple UPLC method developed for the quantitative determination of related compounds of Metoclopramide and its possible degradation products is precise, accurate and specific for the analysis of bulk material and formulation samples. The method was fully validated, showing satisfactory results for all the parameters tested. The developed method is stability indicating and can be used for the routine analysis of production samples. All authors have none to declare.

For the 2-month vaccination, the highest relative risk incidence

For the 2-month vaccination, the highest relative risk incidence was observed in April births, the same month as the highest RIR. However, one of the lowest relative control incidences was also observed for infants born in April, suggesting that both of these effects were important factors in driving the seasonal pattern observed at the 2-month vaccination (Table 1). For the 12-month vaccination, the birth month with

the highest RIR was July, which corresponded to the month in which the lowest relative control incidence occurred. However, the relative risk incidence peaked earlier, in March. We investigated the impact of month of birth on the relative incidence of AEFI using ER visits and hospital admissions as a proxy. Our study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to describe a seasonal effect of susceptibility to AEFI. We observed a strong effect of month of birth on the RI of ER visits and admissions. The observed effect was LBH589 nmr strongest at the 2-month vaccination, at which the first dose of the DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccine

is given. For the 2-month vaccination, we observed a greater than two-fold increase in the RI of events for children born in April, compared to children born in October, the month of the lowest RI of events. A clear sinusoidal pattern was observed between the month of birth and RI. One of our sensitivity analyses suggested that an important driver selleck inhibitor of elevated RI was a decrease in incidence during the control period. This provides evidence that the background burden of seasonal illness may be another contributing factor to the seasonal effect we observed. During months

of higher burden of illness Thiamine-diphosphate kinase (e.g. fall/winter) the incidence in the control period was higher as compared to the control period in months of lower burden (spring and summer). These fluctuations in the background burden of illness may have contributed to lower RIs in fall/winter and higher RIs in spring/summer either through access to care issues in the fall/winter (e.g. crowded ERs), or by making vaccine reactions less likely when infants are battling many other circulating infections. Another possible explanation is that during the colder months in Ontario Canada, inclement weather and ER waiting rooms crowded with children suffering from influenza and common cold may make it less likely that a parent decides to visit an ER when their child is suffering from a relatively mild post-vaccination reaction. Since the correlation coefficient between birth month and vaccination month was measured to exceed 0.99 for both of the 2- and 12-month vaccinations, due to well established immunization schedules, we performed additional analyses aimed at isolating the effect of month of vaccination as distinct from birth month. We found evidence suggesting that month of vaccination may have contributed to the seasonal variation we observed in our results.

Malignant transformation of primary or substitutional bladder epi

Malignant transformation of primary or substitutional bladder epithelium is relatively rare, with an approximate risk of 1.2% in patients treated with augmentation cystoplasty.1

Malignant tumors may develop over long periods, usually more than 10 years, in augmented bladders.1 However, these malignant tumors are frequently aggressive and cause the death in nearly 50% of patients.2 Bladder tumors after augmentation cystoplasty are generally adenocarcinoma most commonly located in the region of enterovesical buy PLX3397 anastomosis,5 in which urothelial cells at the site of the anastomosis may be susceptible to intestinal metaplasia. Previous reports have shown that urothelial cells at the enterovesical junction acquire characteristic of the enteric epithelium in an experimental canine model of augmentation cystoplasty.6 Furthermore, a variety of gene aberrations have been found in the region of enterovesical anastomosis in patients treated with ileocystoplasty, such as chromosomal numerical abnormalities in chromosomes 18, 9, and

8,7 and p53 mutations. 8 These findings suggest that multiple factors see more are involved in the bladder carcinogenesis after cystoplasty. Intestinal carcinogenesis is known to be a multistep process called adenoma-carcinoma sequence, progressing from adenoma to adenocarcinoma, involving various oncogenic factors.4 Our case newly demonstrated adenoma-carcinoma sequence histopathologically in the bladder after augmentation cystoplasty. Our findings suggest that multistep carcinogenesis develops in the region of enterovesical anastomosis after cystoplasty as the intestinal carcinogenesis. Late diagnosis of the diseases at an advanced stage accounts for the poor prognosis of patients with malignancies after cystoplasty.2 In our case, the malignancy was fortunately

discovered at the stage of tubulovillous adenoma, and a good prognosis was achieved. Our experience in the current case suggests that detection at the early stage of carcinogenesis improves patient prognosis in malignancies after augmentation cystoplasty. Carcinogenesis in the bladder after augmentation cystoplasty may be a multistep process, progressing adenoma to adenocarcinoma, and detection at the early stage of carcinogenesis would be important about for patient prognosis. The authors of this article have no conflict of interest. “
“Initially thought to be a malignancy affecting the pediatric and young adult population, recent studies have identified Xp11 translocation renal cell carcinoma (TRCC) in older adults. Incidence ranges from 0.95% to 5% of all adult renal cell carcinomas (RCCs).1 Considering that RCC is more prevalent in adults than children, Xp11 TRCC in adults represents a greater number of tumors as a whole than Xp11 TRCC in children. Compared with its more indolent presentation in the pediatric population, older adults usually present with advanced stage and distant metastasis.

In this study the gastroretentive CBT with different excipients l

In this study the gastroretentive CBT with different excipients like fast releasing components for loading dose and matrix forming agents like HPMC K-grade polymers. CBT showed biphasic release in the first phase, the first fraction of the dose (immediate dose) was released in less than 60 min, because of fast releasing components and effervescent nature of loading layer then second phase was released from matrix layer as a controlled zero order fashion. Thus, results of the current study clearly indicate, CBT was a stable dosage

form and a promising potential of the selleck screening library cefdinir gastroretentive system as an alternative to the conventional dosage form. However, further clinical studies are needed to assess the utility of gastroretentive

CBT. All authors have none to declare. “
“Extended release (XR) formulations MEK inhibitor provide the medication for prolonged periods of time.1 Oral route is the most popular route of drug administration because of its ease of administration and patient compliance.2 Even though oral route is preferred by the patients, in case of chronic situations the dosage form should be administered in divided doses for long periods leading to the noncompliance of patients. There are several disadvantages if the drug is administered frequently.3 Dosage modification is required in such situations.4 Extended release (XR) formulations are preferred because they offer better patient compliance, maintain uniform drug levels, reduce dose and side effects, and increase the safety.5 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which breaks down the immune system and makes the human body ineffective to fight against infections. HIV infects human cells and utilizes the energy and nutrients provided by those cells for their replication. Drugs having shorter biological half-lives need to be administered frequently to maintain constant therapeutic levels. all It is crucial for the success of

AIDS therapy to maintain systemic drug levels consistently above its target antiretroviral concentration throughout the course of the treatment.6 and 7 Lamivudine (LAMI) is a nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NARIT or NART) used in the antiretroviral therapy for the treatment of HIV infection.8 and 9 It is rapidly absorbed after oral administration, with absolute bioavailability of lamivudine is 86 ± 16%. The peak serum concentration (Cmax) of lamivudine is 1.5 ± 0.5 μg/mL. The mean elimination half-life (t½) ranges from 5 to 7 h thus necessitating frequent administration to maintain constant therapeutic drug levels. 10 Moreover there is evidence that nucleoside analogues may be associated with mitochondrial toxicity leading to potentially serious long-term side effects such as lactic acidosis and disorders of lipid metabolism.

The standardised effect size of the intervention on this outcome

The standardised effect size of the intervention on this outcome (g = 0.7) was moderate to large. At 12 weeks the coaching group had significantly higher recovery expectation (mean difference of 3.4 points, 95% CI 1.1 to 5.7) than the usual care group, and the standardised effect size for this outcome was large (g = 1.2). There was no significant difference between groups on the Pain Self Efficacy Questionnaire with

a medium standardised effect size (g = 0.6) in favour of the coaching group. Telephone coaching SKI-606 mw added to usual physiotherapy care resulted in clinically significantly increased levels of self-reported activity and improved recovery expectation at 12 weeks in people with

non-chronic non-specific low back pain and low to moderate selleck chemicals recovery expectation. The intervention had a large effect on both patient-specific and region-specific measures of activity limitation. The mean difference on the Patient Specific Functional Scale was larger than the minimum clinically important difference (Maughan and Lewis, 2010) and the mean difference on the Oswestry, although not statistically significant, was 14.1 – larger than the minimum clinically important difference of 10 points (Ostelo and de Vet, 2005). Participants in this study were at risk of developing chronic activity limitation and effective interventions in this population are particularly important, as the majority of resources devoted to non-specific low back pain are consumed by the small proportion of people experiencing ongoing disability (Shaw et al 2001, Truchon and Fillion, Oxalosuccinic acid 2000). For the addition of an average of less than 90 minutes of therapy time, health coaching via the telephone may represent a cost-effective addition to usual physiotherapy care. For every 3 people who received the coaching intervention,

1 more successful return to primary non-leisure activity was achieved than would have been with usual care alone. Furthermore, the indication that the intervention may be able to change expectations regarding return to usual activities may be important, since low recovery expectations have been found to be a strong predictor of poor outcome in non-specific low back pain (Iles et al 2008). The mechanism behind the impact of coaching on return to activity is likely to be a result of the increased emphasis on self management and empowerment of the participant. Increased self management is seen as a goal for those with chronic conditions, but this is traditionally not a focus of health care during the earlier stages of a condition (Lawn and Schoo, 2010). Coaching has been identified as a means to help patients take greater responsibility for the achievement and maintenance of treatment goals (Vale et al 2002) and this seems to be the case for return to activity.

HBsAg and HBV infection showed a higher prevalence in males befor

HBsAg and HBV infection showed a higher prevalence in males before 55 years (Fig. 3). In total,

a cohort of 291 susceptibles was included to evaluate the HBV incidence: 75 in Dhiba (hyperendemic region) and 216 in Rogba (hypo-endemic region). At baseline PD98059 in 1996, they were seronegative for all markers and they were retested for HBV infection markers 3 years later. They did not receive any HBV vaccine between the 2 tests. Out of the total sample of the cohort, 15 in Dhiba and 6 in Rogba seroconverted corresponding to a cumulative incidence during 3 years of 20.0% CI95% [10.95–29.05%] and 2.8% CI95% [0.60–5.00%] in Dhiba and Rogba, respectively, leading to a mean annual incidence of infection of 6.67% CI95% [3.65–9.70%] and 0.93% CI95% [0.20–1.67%] in these two villages (p < 10−3). The first part of the analysis is related to the study of environmental, demographic

and behavioural risk factors at the individual level. Bivariate analysis revealed that education level, past history of scarification, needle practices in the Primary Care Centre (PCC), gender, existence of sanitation in the house, and family scarification practices were significantly associated with HBV infection and chronic carriage TSA HDAC chemical structure (Table 2). By multivariate analysis, family scarification practices, needle practices in the PCC and gender were significantly associated with anti-Hbc positivity (AOR equal to 2.15 CI95% [1.85–2.49], 1.64 CI95% [1.36–1.97] and 1.26 CI95% [1.12–1.42], respectively). The same risk factors were found for HBsAg positivity (AOR equal to 2.36 CI95% [1.60–3.00],

1.85 CI95% [1.24–2.77] and 1.53 CI95% [1.23–1.90], respectively) and chronic carriage (AOR equal to 2.85 CI95% [2.10–3.86], 2.37 CI95% [1.33–4.19] and 1.37 CI95% [1.02–1.83], old respectively). Lack of sewage in the house was found to be protective against anti-HBc (AOR equal to 0.49 CI95% [0.37–0.65]), and HBsAg positivity (AOR equal to 0.08 CI95% [0.02–0.31]). No significant association between HBV subgroups and household size was noted (Table 3). The second part of the analysis attempted to assess the importance of transmission within the family as a risk factor to acquire infection for the individual. We concentrated on the study of non-sexual close contact risks. Therefore, we evaluated the risk of HBV infection of the individual due to: (i) HBV chronic carrier mother, (ii) HBV chronic carrier brother/sisters(s), and (iii) and HBV chronic carrier father. Individuals having a carrier mother are about three times more likely to be anti-HBc positive (AOR = 2.97 CI95% [1.86–4.75]), 10 times more likely to be HBsAg positive (AOR = 10.64 CI95% [6.23–17.82]) and six times more likely to be chronic carriers (AOR = 5.65 CI95% [3.09–10.33]). Those having HBV chronic carrier brother(s) or sister(s) are at high risk of HBV infection (AOR equal to 11.60 [8.35–16.12] for anti-HBc and 13.61 CI95% [8.78–21.07] for HBsAg) and chronic carriage (AOR = 24.73 CI95% [13.56–45.12]).

79 to 0 91) are acceptable ( Creamer et al 2003) IES-R scale sco

79 to 0.91) are acceptable ( Creamer et al 2003). IES-R scale scores have also been found to have moderate to strong correlations

with one another (r = 0.52 to 0.87) ( Beck et al 2008). Correlations have been found to be high between those of the IES-R and the original IES for the intrusion (r = 0.86) and avoidance (r = 0.66) subscales which supports the concurrent validity of both measures ( Beck et al 2008). The indications for using the IES-R remain largely similar to those of the original IES. The IES has been recommended for use as a measure of subjective distress in clinical guidelines such as the NSW Government Guidelines for www.selleckchem.com/TGF-beta.html the Management of Acute Whiplash). Similar to the IES, the IES-R is a valid measure of post-traumatic stress symptoms and is useful to monitor symptoms as well as to track progress with interventions. When compared to the original version, the key strength of the IES-R is that it correlates better with DSM-IV criteria for PTSD through the inclusion of the hyperarousal subscale (American Psychiatric Association 1994). Physiotherapists are commonly involved in the care of individuals following a traumatic event such as a motor vehicle accident. In this

area, it has been recommended that all three symptom clusters be considered (Buitenhuis et al 2006). Akt inhibitor Further, there is evidence suggesting a relationship between increased hyperarousal symptoms with persistent pain and disability in chronic whiplash (Sterling et al 2003). There has been some evidence to suggest the IES-R can discriminate between individuals with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Beck et al 2008). However, there is insufficient evidence to support the IES-R as a diagnostic tool as well as conflicting evidence regarding its use as a screening tool for PTSD Histamine H2 receptor (Creamer et al 2003, Beck et al 2008). As with the original IES, a diagnosis of PTSD cannot be made on the IES-R alone and

alternative measures should be considered if this condition is suspected (Weiss and Marmar 1997, Beck et al 2008). Unfortunately, the IES-R does not have established cut-off points to suggest grounds for psychological referral as does the IES (scores of 26 or more out of a possible 75). There has been several cut-off values suggested for a probable diagnosis of PTSD ranging from 22 to 24 in individuals with substance use disorders (Rash et al 2008) to 33 from a possible 88 in Vietnam veterans (Creamer et al 2003). However, these cut-off values have been based on specific population groups and also relate to the raw sum of scores. As both measures were intended to provide an indication of a general level of distress related to an event and not to diagnose PTSD, cut-off points seem inappropriate. It would seem unlikely the decision to provide psychological referral would be based on the IES-R or IES alone and rather the IES-R is a tool which may aid the clinical reasoning process.