79 to 0.91) are acceptable ( Creamer et al 2003). IES-R scale scores have also been found to have moderate to strong correlations
with one another (r = 0.52 to 0.87) ( Beck et al 2008). Correlations have been found to be high between those of the IES-R and the original IES for the intrusion (r = 0.86) and avoidance (r = 0.66) subscales which supports the concurrent validity of both measures ( Beck et al 2008). The indications for using the IES-R remain largely similar to those of the original IES. The IES has been recommended for use as a measure of subjective distress in clinical guidelines such as the NSW Government Guidelines for www.selleckchem.com/TGF-beta.html the Management of Acute Whiplash). Similar to the IES, the IES-R is a valid measure of post-traumatic stress symptoms and is useful to monitor symptoms as well as to track progress with interventions. When compared to the original version, the key strength of the IES-R is that it correlates better with DSM-IV criteria for PTSD through the inclusion of the hyperarousal subscale (American Psychiatric Association 1994). Physiotherapists are commonly involved in the care of individuals following a traumatic event such as a motor vehicle accident. In this
area, it has been recommended that all three symptom clusters be considered (Buitenhuis et al 2006). Akt inhibitor Further, there is evidence suggesting a relationship between increased hyperarousal symptoms with persistent pain and disability in chronic whiplash (Sterling et al 2003). There has been some evidence to suggest the IES-R can discriminate between individuals with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Beck et al 2008). However, there is insufficient evidence to support the IES-R as a diagnostic tool as well as conflicting evidence regarding its use as a screening tool for PTSD Histamine H2 receptor (Creamer et al 2003, Beck et al 2008). As with the original IES, a diagnosis of PTSD cannot be made on the IES-R alone and
alternative measures should be considered if this condition is suspected (Weiss and Marmar 1997, Beck et al 2008). Unfortunately, the IES-R does not have established cut-off points to suggest grounds for psychological referral as does the IES (scores of 26 or more out of a possible 75). There has been several cut-off values suggested for a probable diagnosis of PTSD ranging from 22 to 24 in individuals with substance use disorders (Rash et al 2008) to 33 from a possible 88 in Vietnam veterans (Creamer et al 2003). However, these cut-off values have been based on specific population groups and also relate to the raw sum of scores. As both measures were intended to provide an indication of a general level of distress related to an event and not to diagnose PTSD, cut-off points seem inappropriate. It would seem unlikely the decision to provide psychological referral would be based on the IES-R or IES alone and rather the IES-R is a tool which may aid the clinical reasoning process.