$$This is a measure of dissimilarity ranging from zero to one, the upper limit indicating complete dissimilarity of communities and the lower limit indicating complete similarity. As we mixed-up the similarity index with its Caspase Inhibitor VI datasheet derived dissimilarity
index, the interpretation of species turnover we gave is wrong; it needs to be exactly the other way round. It follows that: On page 1595, the sentence “Species spatial turnover was higher among urban areas than among rural areas or pairs of urban and rural areas for most taxa.” should read: “Species spatial turnover was lower among urban areas than among rural areas or pairs of urban and rural areas for most taxa.” On pages 1595 and 1596, the sentence “Our results indicate an increasing isolation of species assemblages with urbanisation […].” should Mdivi1 read: “Our results indicate an increasing isolation of species assemblages buy Vemurafenib with increasing distance […].” On page 1600, “For β-diversity, the βsim similarity index was calculated from presence-absence tables […]” should read: “For β-diversity, the βdissim dissimilarity index was calculated from presence-absence tables […].” Also, “βsim = a/(a + min
(b,c))” should read “βdissim = sqrt(1 – (a/(a + min (b,c))))”. On pages 1600 and 1601, the sentences “This index is a measure of similarity taking into account all species that are shared by two areas and the smaller number of species not shared. Its values range from zero to one; the upper limit indicating complete similarity of communities and the lower limit indicating no similarity at all.” should read: “This index
is a measure of dissimilarity taking into account all species that are shared by two areas and the smaller number of species not shared. Its values range from zero to one; the upper limit indicating complete dissimilarity of communities and the lower limit indicating complete similarity.” Also, “Note that an increase in βsim is considered a decrease in β-diversity.” should Racecadotril read: “An increase in βdissim is considered an increase in β-diversity.” On page 1603, for the sentences “In the protected areas within Halle, the βsim similarity index and therefore the similarity of the species assemblages is lowest for butterflies, snails and all plant taxa. It is lowest for carabid beetles and birds in the protected areas within the district of Saalkreis. Pairs of urban and rural areas are more similar than pairs of urban areas for all species groups (Figs. 4 and 5).” “βsim” should be replaced with “βdissim”, “similarity” should be replaced with “dissimilarity”. Fig. 4 Boxplots showing the βdissim dissimilarity index for carabid beetles, butterflies, snails and birds for pairs of urban and rural (dark grey bars), urban (white bars) and rural (light grey bars) protected areas (Halle and Saalkreis, Central Germany). The boxplots represent median (line), 25–75% quartiles (boxes), ranges (whiskers) and extreme values (circles).