Thus ERa plays a key role in mam Enzalutamide MDV3100 mary tumour development. In mammary cells, the effects of 17b estradiol can be antagonized by com pounds such as OHT, a tamoxifen metabolite that is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, and ICI, a selective estrogen receptor disruptor. OHT has partial agonist activity, depending on the tissue and response examined while ICI compounds are totally devoid of agonist activity in the models studied to date. ERa OHT complexes accumulate in nuclei and ICI treatment provokes rapid degradation of the ERa ICI complex by the nuclear proteasome. Intracellular levels of ERa are downregulated in the presence of E2, its cognate ligand, through the ubiqui tin proteasome pathway.
Polyubiquitina tion of liganded ERa is catalyzed by at least three enzymes, the ubiquitine activating enzyme E1 activated ubiquitin is conjugated by E2 with lysine residues through an isopeptide bond by the E3 ubiquitin ligase. Polyubiquitinated ERa is then directed to the protea some for degradation. Most known ubiquitin attachment sites reside within the C terminus of the ERa. Berry et al. recently also identified two receptor lysines, K302 and K303 in the hinge region of ERa which are involved in E2 mediated and ICI induced ERa degradation in breast cancer cells. Although ER dependent transcription regulation and protea some mediated degradation of the ERa are linked, transcription per se is not required for ERa degrada tion and assembly of the transcription initiation com plex is sufficient to target ERa for degradation by the nuclear fraction of the proteasome.
Using immu nocytochemical studies it was shown that ERa resides predominantly in the nucleus both in presence or absence of hormone. Maruvada et al. deter mined that a small proportion of transiently trans fected GFP ERa exists in the cytoplasm in the absence of hormone. They proposed that unbound ERa shuttles between the cytoplasm and nucleus in living cells. Estradiol and E2 antagonists affect ERa protein turnover rates and modulate transcription of ERa target Batimastat genes. It has been shown that E2 induced degradation of ERa is necessary for its ability to rapidly activate transcription. Interestingly, two chemically different SERDs compe titively inhibit estradiol mediated activation by ERa and induce rapid down regulation of the receptor. In contrast, in the presence of tamoxifen ERa protein levels increase, although the effect of OHT on transcription is similar to the one observed for SERDs in MCF 7 cells. In the present study we determine the impact of dif ferent ligands on nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of ERa and examine the relationship between localization and proteolysis, two mechanisms involved in ERa mediated regulation in MCF 7 cells.