Materials and methods Animals C57BL 6 NOD Aec1Aec2 and C57BL 6J

Materials and methods Animals C57BL 6. NOD Aec1Aec2 and C57BL 6J mice were bred and maintained under specific pathogen free conditions within selleck chem DZNeP the mouse facility of the Department of Pathology with over sight by Animal Care Services at the University of Florida, Gainesville. The animals were maintained on a 12 hour light dark schedule and provided food and acidified water ad libi tum. Although SjS in humans is most common in post meno pausal women, male mice were used exclusively in the present study as we have not noticed differences in the salivary gland disease in male and female C57BL 6. NOD Aec1Aec2 mice. Mice were euthanized at 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 weeks of age by cervical dislocation after deep anesthetization with isoflurane. There are no indications that this procedure affects physiolog ical function of the exocrine glands.

Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Both the breeding and use of these animals for the present studies were approved by the University of Florida Institutional Animal Care and Use Com mittee. Salivary glands were freshly excised from individual male mice at 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 weeks of age, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at 80 C until all glandular samples were obtained. With one lobe of each sali vary gland, comprised of a submandibular, sublingual, and parotid gland minus any salivary lymph nodes, all 25 samples of total RNA from the five age groups of C57BL 6. NOD Aec1Aec2 mice were isolated concurrently using the RNeasy Mini Kit in accordance with the protocol of the manufacturer. To account for any asynchrony of SjS like disease within C57BL 6.

NOD Aec1Aec2 male mice, the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries five mice in each age group were derived from at least two litters. Hybridizations were carried out with each of the 25 individual RNA samples using Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome 430 2. 0 Arrays in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. Each GeneChip Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries contains 45,000 probe sets that ana lyze the expression level of over 39,000 transcripts and vari ants from over 34,000 well characterized mouse genes. Microarray data have been deposited with Gene Expression Omnibus accession number. Differential gene expression analysis Microarray data were normalized using Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the guanine cytosine robust multi array average algorithm and analyzed using the LIMMA pack age from the R Development Core Team to perform differential expression analyses.

Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries LIMMA takes into account the correlation between replicates and uses the empirical Bayes approach, which gives stable inference for a relatively small number of arrays. In this study, the fdr method to adjust the P values for multiple testing was used to control the false discovery rate. Since the data represent five equally spaced time points, multiple models were used to identify the temporal patterns of gene Palbociclib CDK expression. These included the linear fit, quadratic fit, cubic fit, and quartic fit regression models. B statistics were calculated for each gene. Genes exhibiting a B sta tistic of greater than 1.

The functional role of AP 1 is to recruit and direct appropriate

The functional role of AP 1 is to recruit and direct appropriate factors to regulate gene expres sion and promote proliferation, differentiation, inhibitor CHIR99021 inflam mation and or apoptosis. Previous investigations have determined that overex pression of Notch 1 and Notch 4 plays a critical role in breast tumorigenesis and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries that PEA3 overexpression is associated with aggressive breast cancers, particularly the triple negative subtype. Herein we provide novel evidence of a link between two pathways that are overexpressed in breast cancer. PEA3 is a transcriptional activator of Notch 1 and Notch 4 and a repressor of Notch 2 in MDA MB 231 cells, an example of triple negative breast cancer cells. PEA3 mediated Notch 1 transcription is AP 1 independent, while Notch 4 tran scription requires both PEA3 and c JUN.

PEA3 and or Notch signaling are essential for proliferation, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries survival and tumor growth of MDA MB 231 cells. Furthermore, PEA3 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries is a transcriptional activator of both Notch 1 and Notch 4 in other breast cancer cells. Thus we hypothe sized that targeting of the PEA3 and or Notch pathways might provide a new therapeutic strategy for triple nega tive breast cancer as well as possibly other breast cancer subtypes where PEA3 regulates Notch 1 and or Notch 4. Materials and methods Cell culture and reagents MDA MB 231, SKBr3, BT474 and MCF 7 breast cancer cells were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection. All cell lines were supplemented with 100 umol nonessential amino acids and 1% L glutamine. SKBr3 cells and MDA MB 231 cells were maintained in Iscoves Minimal Essential Medium.

MCF 7 cells were maintained in DMEM Hams Nutrient Mixture F 12. BT474 cells were maintained in DMEM. All cells were cultured in a 37 C incubator with 5% CO2. MRK 003 GSI was kindly provided by Merck Oncology International, Inc. MRK 003 GSI was dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide and stored at 80 C until use. Lactacystin Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was purchased from Sigma Aldrich, dissolved in deionized water and stored at 20 C until use. The pcDNA3. 1 expression vector and the PEA3 pcDNA3. 1 expression vector were kindly provided by Dr Mein Chie Hung. The pHMB empty and pHMB TAM 67 expression vectors were kindly provided Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries by Dr Richard Schultz, Department of Immunology and Microbiology. RNA interference and reagents Control scrambled siRNA a, Notch 1 siRNA, and a smart pool of three distinct PEA3 siRNA were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology.

An unre lated control siRNA and PEA3 siRNA were purchased from Ambion. A smart pool of four distinct c Jun siRNA were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnol ogy. Transfection reagents though used were Lipofectamine 2000 and Lipofectamine RNAiMAX, which were purchased from Invitrogen, and FuGENE 6 was purchased from Roche Diag nostics Corporation. Protocols were performed as described by the manufacturers. Antibodies Notch 1, Notch 4, PEA3, c JUN were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology.

After the last amplification cycle, PCR products were analyzed by

After the last amplification cycle, PCR products were analyzed by melting curve ana lysis EPZ-5676 CAS in the Smart Cycler by slowly Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries increasing the tem perature to 95 C. The reactions were run in triplicate with appropriate controls. The data were analyzed by using the Cepheid Smart Cycler soft ware and reported as threshold cycle. Change in gene expression was calculated as fold change 2, where . Statistical analysis for real time PCR Data are expressed as mean standard deviation. Statistical significance was assessed by the Student t test and P values Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 0. 05 were considered significant. GeneChip expression data from un stimu lated, rhOP 1 and OP 1AS treated chondrocytes maintained in high density monolayer culture were gen erated.

For the analysis of the expression data we used a three step analytical strategy, processing of raw inten sity values and normalization of profiles, examina tion of expression levels of gene categories that are relevant to articular cartilage, and comparison of gene expression Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries changes between the two treatments OP 1AS to knockdown endogenous OP 1 expression vs. addition of exogenous rhOP 1. Analyzing the number of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries differentially expressed genes after rhOP 1 or OP 1AS, we found that rhOP 1 modulated expression of 4,057 genes, while OP 1AS treatment modulated expres sion of only 2,618 genes respectively. More genes were down regulated than up regulated by either treatment, rhOP 1 down regulated 3,365 genes vs 692 genes that were up regulated, while OP 1AS down regulated 2,364 genes and up regulated only 254 genes.

The functional groups of genes modulated by lack or excess of OP 1 are depicted in Figure 1. RhOP 1 primarily controlled genes responsible for molecular function, biological processes, and cellular components, while OP 1AS primarily affected genes controlling Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cellular processes and catalytic activity. Interestingly, either treatment up regulated fewer functional groups than the number that were down regu lated. For example, rhOP 1 induced only five functional groups vs four induced by OP 1AS, while rhOP 1 down regulated 19 functional groups vs 12 down regulated by OP 1AS. When the results were com pared between the two treatments, we found that very few gene groups with the same function were differen tially regulated by both treatments.

Groups regulated by both OP 1 conditions included the genes responsible find more information for cellular processes, development, protein binding, signal transducer activity and signal transduction. Analysis of catabolic genes, cytokines and their regulators Previously, we showed that OP 1 was able to counteract the catabolic activity of IL 1b and other catabolic mediators such as fragments of cartilage matrix, fibro nectin and hyaluronan. Therefore, it was of interest to determine the effects of OP 1 on genes regu lating pro catabolic activity.

Apart from our investigation of the role of reversible PR SUMOyla

Apart from our investigation of the role of reversible PR SUMOylation, this microar ray dataset provides an updated well controlled analysis of WT PR B transcriptional action in response to progestin treatment. Rigorous independent experiments were per formed using additional cell lines and novel cell line clones expressing either constitutive or inducible WT or mutant PRs, and gene Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries expression levels were measured using distinct microarray platforms. Indeed, our analysis confirmed 70% of previously identified PR target genes but also uncovered hundreds of novel PR target genes, many of these are LI examples, we predicted that phospho Ser294 PRs mediate a shift in gene regulation that profoundly affects cancer cell phenotypes.

Thus, our goal in the current study was to identify these genes and understand the mechanism of their differential regula tion using entirely new breast can cer cell models. In cells stably expressing S294A PR, a receptor unable to be phosphorylated on Ser294 and thus heavily SUMOylated, the expression of selected KR upregulated Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries genes was entirely blocked, transcriptional upregulation was rescued in cells expressing the PR K388R S294A double mutant. These data demon strate that PR SUMO modification dominantly represses transcription at PR target genes that are effectively derepressed in response to phosphorylation events. For example, PR dependent MSX2 and RGS2 mRNA expres sion was greatly augmented upon EGF treatment of cells expressing WT PR. We conclude that PR phosphorylation and deSUMOylation affects global gene expression patterns by dramatically altering PR transcriptional activity and promoter selectivity in breast cancer cells.

Mechanisms impacting PR promoter selectivity Our microarray studies clearly demonstrate that PR SUMO modification alters the expression of a broad range of PR target genes but has no effect on others. Little is known about the mechanisms of promoter selectivity. However, this question has been addressed with regard to other SR family members. SR inter actions with chromatin are highly Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries dynamic and occur as a rapid and continuous exchange. Thus, concen trated regions of transcription factor binding actually reflect a shift in the equilibrium towards increased transcription factor occupancy at that region.

Multiple factors may influence this equilibrium, such as SR binding to consensus DNA sequences, parti cipation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of coregulatory factors within multi protein Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries complexes and selleck Brefeldin A or sequestration of SRs to specific cellu lar locations, as well as histone modifications that regu late chromatin accessibility. Additionally, studies of restriction enzymes have revealed mechanisms that facil itate enzyme binding to consensus sequences up to 1,000 times faster than is possible via diffusion alone, suggesting the existence of ancillary factors that facili tate binding.

Bind ing was visualized by

Bind ing was visualized by selleckchem Bosutinib incubating sections with DAB and lightly counterstaining with hematoxylin, prior to per manent mounting. As a negative control, species and class matched igG was used. The negative control showed absence of specific staining. PCNA positive cells were identified by the presence of brown nuclear reactivity in the endometrial epithelial cells. PCNA, also called cyclin, is a 36 Kd auxiliary pro tein of DNA polymerase delta, which was found to be a useful marker in immunocytochemical studies of cell proliferation, because its expression correlates with the proliferative state of the cell. PCNA is a proliferation marker for cells in early G1 phase and S phase of the cell cycle. PCNA immunohistochemistry has been extensively used for basic research and as a prognostic tool in surgi cal pathology and has good correlation with KI 67 expression.

It has been shown that immuno histochemistry, to detect nuclear antigens such as PCNA expressed during the cell cycle in proliferating cells, is a good approach to assess cell proliferation. The number of cells expressing immunoreactivity for PCNA per 100 cells was established using Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries a standard light microscope by two independent observers. The total number of epithelial cells in 10 representative fields was counted. Any nuclear staining was regarded as posi tive. There was no significant difference in results between the two Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries observers. Cleaved caspase 3 detects endogenous levels of the large fragment of activated caspase 3 result ing from cleavage adjacent to.

Activation of caspase 3 requires proteolytic processing of its inactive zymogen into active p17 and p12 subunits. Staining for cleaved caspase 3 was assessed to study apoptosis in endometrial epithelial cells. The percentage Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of cells expressing immunoreactivity for cleaved caspase 3 was established by analyzing 10 representative fields from each specimen. Statistics Statistical analysis of the data was performed using GraphPad Instat V4. 0 software. A non parametrically two tailed Mann Whitney U test was used for determi nation of differences in the two groups. Results were expressed as mean S. E. M. A value Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of p 0. 05 was considered to be significant. Results Apoptosis in in phase and out of phase endometrium The apoptosis detection system revealed positive stain ing only in the glandular epithelium of the endometrium sections.

An increased apoptosis was detected in eutopic out of phase endometrium compared to in phase con trols 57. 1 4. 1 vs. 37. 5 5. 6 expressed as percentage of TUNEL positive cells. Immunohistochemistry for cleaved Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries caspase 3 in in phase and out of phase endometrium Complementary to the results compound libraries obtained by the TUNEL method, the immunohistochemical staining using a spe cific antibody for the cleaved fragment of caspase 3 revealed increased immunoreactivity in epithelial endo metrial cells from out of phase samples compared to in phase controls 49. 9 4. 2 vs. 23. 0 5.

In the following day, the cells were starved during 4 h and activ

In the following day, the cells were starved during 4 h and activated with PMA during 30 min or 1 h in a phenol free medium. The cleavage of HB EGF AP was measured after overnight incubation. Briefly, 100 ul of conditioned media were collected of each well and added unfortunately to individual wells of a 96 well plate containing 100 ul of AP buffer and measured at 405 nm. Two independent experiments were performed with triplicates. Cell viability assay by MTT SCC 9 GFP and SCC 9 ADAM17 cells were seeded in 96 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries well plates and incubated for 7 days. MTT 2, 5 diphenylte Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries trazolium bromide was added and cells were incubated for 4 h at 37 C, in the dark. The media were removed and 100 ul of HCl 1 N and isopropanol was added in each well and incubated for 15 min at room temperature under gentle agitation.

Finally, absorbance was measured at 595 nm. Three independent experi ments were performed with triplicates. Transwell migration assay SCC 9 GFP and SCC 9 ADAM17 cells Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries were plated in the upper chambers of 8 mm pore transwells after a starvation period of 4 h. The cells were allowed to migrate towards the lower chamber containing EGF at concentration of 100 ng ml. At the end of the assay, cells at the top chamber were removed with a cotton swab and the cells at the bottom of the insert filter were fixed with 10% for maldehyde for 10 min, washed with PBS and stained with 1% toluidine blue solution in 1% borax for 5 min. The dye was eluted using 1% SDS and the absorbance was measured at 620 nm. Three independent experi ments were performed with triplicates.

Cell adhesion assay SCC 9 GFP and SCC 9 ADAM17 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cells or A431 un treated, A431 control and A431 shRNA ADAM 17 were submitted to adhesion assay as described by Arag?o et al.Briefly, 106 cells were plated in 100 mm Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries dishes and another 96 well plate was coated with Matrigel. After 24 h, cells were trypsinised and seeded in the coated 96 well plate, previously washed three times with PBS and blocked with 3% BSA during 2 h. The adhesion was evaluated during 1 h in serum free media supplemented with 3% BSA, the wells were washed 3 times and cells were fixed with 10% formaldehyde. Cells were stained with 1% toluidine blue containing 1% borax for 5 min. The dye was eluted using 100 ul 1% SDS and the absorbance was measured at 620 nm. Three independent experiments were per formed with five replicates.

Bromodeoxyuridine labeling index A431 control and A431 shRNA ADAM 17 cells were plated in 96 well plates at a density of 10,000 cells per well in medium containing 10% of FBS. After 16 h, the cells were washed with PBS and cultured in serum free medium for 24 h. Following serum starvation, the medium was replaced by medium containing 2% or 10% of FBS. Proliferation rates were determined 24 h after incubation by measuring BrdU incorporation into DNA. Briefly, BrdU antigen was added to the cultures in 1 10 dilution and kept for 2 h at 37 C in 5% CO2.

suggesting that re expression of these miR NAs is a result of a t

suggesting that re expression of these miR NAs is a result of a true epigenetic references alteration in the cells. We utilized the micro array platform to see which other chromosome 14 miRNAs could be induced using the combination of HDAC inhibitors and de methylating agents. Interestingly, out of all 65 chromosome 14 miRNAs assessed in four mel anoma cell lines, only five miRNAs were shown to be induced in any of the cell lines mir 127 3p, mir 137, mir 376a, mir 376c and mir 485 3p. These five miRNAs, expressed in normal melanocytes, could not be further up regulated in these cells in response to epigenetic modifiers. Four of these five miRNAs were found to be down regulated but not entirely silenced in nevi Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and melanoma.

Results obtained with the more sensitive method of qRT PCR verified that mir 376a, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries mir 376c and mir 136 can be significantly induced following treatment with epigenetic modifiers in most Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of the melanoma cell lines. Mir 127 was previously shown to target BCL 6 in a bladder cancer model, so we first generated melan oma cell lines that ectopically express mir 127 in a stable manner. In our experimental system, mir 127 over expression did not lead to a significant decrease in BCL 6 levels in melanoma cell lines, nor did it lead to a signifi cant change in melanoma cell line proliferation or migra tion in vitro. We therefore decided to focus on other miRNAs whose expression was shown to be down regulated but not entirely absent in melanoma and as a first step generated melanoma cell lines that ecto pically express either mir 376a or mir 376c.

Cells over expressing either mir 376a or mir 376c exhib ited attenuated growth relative to pTER transfected control cells. This effect was modest yet statistically significant, leading to approximately 25 30% decrease in cell growth after 96 hours. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries This growth pattern was also observed using a micro electronic biosensor system that allows real time monitoring of cell growth in vitro. Cellu lar migration was monitored using an in vitro transwell system. Mir 376a and mir 376c transfected cells showed significantly attenuated migration through a transwell membrane 24 hours after seeding relative to pTER transfected control cells. Migration was also monitored using the real time cell analyzer, this time asses sing cell density following passage through a membrane as described in.

Whereas pTER transfected control mel anoma cells Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries exhibited a time dependent migration through the membrane, the mir 376a and mir 376c transfected enough cells showed almost no migration through the membrane within a 24 h period. Bioinformatic analysis using several web based tools showed that miRNA 376a and miRNA 376c have puta tive binding sites at the 3UTR of IGF1R, a tyrosine kinase receptor long known to be implicated in melanoma tumorigenesis and progression. The pu tative binding site of mir 376c is classified as 7mer 8mer binding, and that of mir 376a is classified as 8mer binding.

This pro portion represents the FDR for that gPAR CLIP crosslinki

This pro portion represents the FDR for that gPAR CLIP crosslinking site. Using a strict 1% FDR threshold, we identify 80,883 gPAR CLIP crosslinking sites. Effect of counting Veliparib purchase statistics on error in crosslinking site coverage measurement Read coverage of replicate gPAR CLIP crosslinking sites was analyzed to measure reproducibility. For each site, we compared Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the number of reads coming from one replicate library to the total number of reads from both libraries. Perfect reproducibility would result in a ratio of 1 2. We binned crosslinking sites based on total RPM and calculated the standard deviation of these ratios for each bin. We predicted the standard deviation for counting statistics by binomial partitioning of total reads for each crosslinking site in each bin between the two replicates.

When the total number of reads was below 5 RPM, binomial partitioning predominantly contributed to replicate variation. Above 5 RPM, replicate variation stabilized, and counting statistics error contributed little to replicate error. Conservation analysis phastCons conservation scores for each genomic nucleo tide were downloaded Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries from Siepel et al. Ts with CLSs were grouped into 5 UTR, CDS, and 3 UTR regions and then ranked and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries binned by CLS so each bin overlapped adjacent bins by 50%. phastCons scores in each bin were averaged. As controls, Ts with no CLS were grouped in 5 UTR, CDS, and 3 UTR regions, ran domly ranked, and binned as described. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries phastCons scores in each bin were averaged. Controls were calcu lated ten times for each region.

Unpaired probability analysis The unpaired probability of each genomic position was calculated using RNAplfold from the ViennaRNA package version 1. 8. 5 using a span of 40 nucleotides and an averaging window of 80 nucleotides. Ts with CLSs were grouped into 5 UTR, CDS, and 3 UTR regions and then Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ranked and binned by CLS so each bin over lapped adjacent bins by 50%. Unpaired probabilities in each bin were averaged. As controls, Ts with no CLS were grouped into 5 UTR, CDS, and 3 UTR regions, randomly ranked, and binned. The unpaired probabil ities in each bin were averaged. Crosslinking site pairedness analysis Genomic regions corresponding to crosslinking sites were extended to 80 nucleotides centered on the origi nal crosslinking site. These sequences were subjected to folding using RNAfold from the ViennaRNA pack age version 1. 8. 5, and the minimum free energy struc tures were extracted. Predicted structures were aligned and ranked by average crosslinking site CLS and divided into 100 equally sized, non overlapping bins. The per centage of nucleotides predicted to be unpaired at each position in each bin was computed. Selected structures from low, middle, and high CLS bins were visualized using VARNA.

From this, we defined an

From this, we defined an selleck bio ER phosphorylation score, taking into account the phosphorylation status of ER at each of the seven sites interrogated. This so called P7 score was significantly associated with OS from Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries breast cancer death and relapse free survival in multivariate analysis. Due to the relationship of p S2448 mTOR with clinical outcome in this cohort, we investigated the relationship of p S2448 mTOR to different phosphorylated forms of ER in these samples. p S2448 mTOR was positively correlated with p S118 ER, p S167 ER, p S282 ER, but negatively correlated with p T311 ER. Previously we had shown that detection of several phosphorylation sites on ER, p S104 106 ER, p S118 ER, p S167 ER, p S282 ER and p S294 ER, were associated with a good clinical outcome while p T311 ER and p S559 ER were associated with poor clinical outcome.

In the current study we found that p mTOR was positively associated with p S118 ER, p S167 ER, p S282 ER but negatively Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries associated with p T311 ER, which suggested an inverse relationship with the P7 ER score and indeed p S2448 mTOR expression was found negatively correlated with P7 ER score. When tumors were dichotomized into high P7 ER score versus low P7 ER score the IHC scores for p S2448 mTOR were significantly higher Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in low versus high P7 ER score tumors. These data further support an association of high p S2448 mTOR with good prognosis. Since P7 score remained significant Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries on multivariate analysis as previously described but p S2448 mTOR did not, the relationship of p S2448 mTOR to P7 score is likely driving its association with clinical outcome.

Nuclear staining for p S2448 mTOR has been previously reported and in the current cohort was detected in approximately 10% of assessable cases. Nuclear p S2448 mTOR was correlated with cytoplasmic p mTOR and while nuclear p S2448 mTOR showed similar trends in terms of relationships to phosphorylated P7 ER score, it was not analyzed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries further due to the small numbers of positive cases. Relationship of p70S6K to activated mTOR and phosphorylated ER To explore further the relationship of phosphorylated ER to the activated mTOR pathway, specifically the mTOR complex 1, TMA sections from the above breast cancer cohort were examined for the expression of p70S6K, a downstream target of p S2448 mTOR within the mTORC1.

Both nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for p T389 p70S6K and total p70S6K have been reported and both were scored separately in the above cohort. The majority of cases were positive for both cytoplasmic and nuclear p T389 p70S6K as well as total p70S6K. As expected both cytoplasmic and nuclear p T389 p70S6K and total p70S6K were positively correlated glucose metabolism with both total and p S2448 mTOR. Neither cytoplasmic nor nuclear p T389 p70S6K was associated with the P7 ER score.