All participants were informed the purpose of this study and ass

All participants were informed the purpose of this study and assured confidentiality and anonymity, and their informed consent was obtained before the study. Potential participants were excluded when they had: (1) ankle or knee symptoms within 1 month prior to the enrollment; (2) arthritic or other inflammatory diseases; (3) bone pathology; (4) neurological system dysfunction; or (5) history of ankle trauma or surgery. Six legs were excluded, and the remaining thirty legs were categorized into two groups, group H (n = 15 with higher flexibility) and group L (n = 15 with lower flexibility), considering Moseley’s criteria for leg flexibility [7]. The flexibility was defined according to the ankle RoM [8]. The participants in both groups were matched for the body weight and height (Table 1).

Besides, the participants were requested to maintain a regular diet and get adequate sleep as well as to avoid vigorous-intensity physical activities one day before the experimental trial. They were also asked for not having any food or drink or exercise at least 1 h before each test and to refrain from alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks on the trial day.Table 1.Characteristics of the subjects grouped by Active RoM of ankle dorsiflexion, expressed in mean (SD).2.2. InstrumentationFigure 1 shows the measurement system applied in this investigation. The system measured the microcirculatory blood perfusion and electrocardiogram (ECG) from the participants simultaneously and synchronously.

The acquired analog signals were sampled via an analog-to-digital converter (ADLINK, PCI-9111DG, Taipei, Taiwan) with a sampling rate of 1,024 Hz and then analyzed using a personal computer. The location of microcirculatory measurements was on the belly of gastrocnemius muscle at the posterior of the lower leg. The ECG signals in the lead II configuration were monitored by the bio-impedance amplifier (EBI100C, BIOPAC System, Goleta, CA, USA) with surface Drug_discovery electrodes. The microcirculatory signal was detected using LDF (VMS-LDF1-HP, Moor Instruments, Axminster, Devon, UK) in a sampling frequency of 40 Hz and a skin probe (VP1-V2-HP) with optical fiber separation of 4 mm. A laser with the power of 20 mW and the wavelength of 785 nm was adopted in the applied LDF. LDF was calibrated before measurements using aqueous suspension of polystyrene latex particles.

All of the measurements were conducted according to laser safety requirements (Class 3R per IEC 60825-1:2007).Figure 1.The measurement system, the location of the measurement site of microvascular perfusion, and active gastrocnemius muscle stretching with ankle dorsiflexion.2.3. Experimental ProtocolBefore the experimental data collection, the participants stayed in the experimental environment with the temperature maintained at 26 �� 1 ��C for at least 20 min and then supine on a comfortable couch with full support of relaxed lower extremities.

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