“Volman V, Sejnowski TJ, Bazhenov M Topological basis of

“Volman V, Sejnowski TJ, Bazhenov M. Topological basis of epileptogenesis in a model of severe cortical trauma. J Neurophysiol 106:1933-1942, 2011. First published July 20, 2011; doi:10.1152/jn.00458.2011.-Epileptic activity often arises after a latent period following traumatic brain injury. Several factors contribute to the emergence of post-traumatic epilepsy, including disturbances to ionic homeostasis, pathological LY3023414 cost action of intrinsic and synaptic homeostatic plasticity, and remodeling

of anatomical network synaptic connectivity. We simulated a large-scale, biophysically realistic computational model of cortical tissue to study the mechanisms underlying the genesis of post-traumatic paroxysmal epileptic-like P005091 activity in the deafferentation model of a severely traumatized cortical network. Post-traumatic generation of paroxysmal events did not require changes of the structural connectivity. Rather, network bursts

were induced following the action of homeostatic synaptic plasticity, which selectively influenced functionally dominant groups of intact neurons with preserved inputs. This effect critically depended on the spatial density of intact neurons. Thus in the deafferentation model of post-traumatic epilepsy, a trauma-induced change in functional (rather than anatomical) connectivity might be sufficient for epileptogenesis.”
“In plants, mounting an effective innate immune strategy against microbial pathogens involves triggering local cell death within infected cells as well as boosting the immunity of the uninfected neighboring and systemically located Birinapant in vitro cells. Although not much is known about

this, it is evident that well-coordinated cell-cell signaling is critical in this process to confine infection to local tissue while allowing for the spread of systemic immune signals throughout the whole plant. In support of this notion, direct cell-to-cell communication was recently found to play a crucial role in plant defense. Here, we provide experimental evidence that salicylic acid (SA) is a critical hormonal signal that regulates cell-to-cell permeability during innate immune responses elicited by virulent bacterial infection in Arabidopsis thaliana. We show that direct exogenous application of SA or bacterial infection suppresses cell-cell coupling and that SA pathway mutants are impaired in this response. The SA- or infection-induced suppression of cell-cell coupling requires an ENHANCED DESEASE RESISTANCE1- and NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES1-dependent SA pathway in conjunction with the regulator of plasmodesmal gating PLASMODESMATA-LOCATED PROTEIN5. We discuss a model wherein the SA signaling pathway and plasmodesmata-mediated cell-to-cell communication converge under an intricate regulatory loop.”
“Background: Resection and reconstruction of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is occasionally required in the surgical treatment of intra-abdominal tumours.

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