Therefore, a study with a larger sample size is needed to clarify

Therefore, a study with a larger sample size is needed to clarify the relationship between anti-TNF therapy and endothelial function in patients with RA. In addition, we only performed FMD examination, and did not examine microvascular endothelial function or induced macrovascular dilation using glyceryl trinitrate, which are well-known global measures of endothelial function. Furthermore, the links between systemic inflammation, and vascular function and morphology in patients with RA are not completely supported, as noted in a recent systematic review.[44] Further studies, involving evaluation of both microvascular and macrovascular endothelial function, with much larger numbers of subjects and longer

follow-up periods are warranted to validate the present findings. In conclusion, the present results demonstrate significant associations between the FMD measurements, disease activity and anti-TNF therapy among randomly selected patients with RA. see more Anti-TNF therapy may influence endothelial function more than conventional DMARD therapy. Prospective longitudinal studies examining whether GSK126 in vivo anti-TNF therapy is able to improve endothelial function are required. None declared. No funding. TW conceived and designed the study, collected the data, was responsible for the statistics, and drafted and translated the paper. MT conceived the study.

MS conceived the study and advised the translation of the paper. HM advised the statistical evaluation. MS advised the translation of the paper. KS designed the study. TM designed

the study, and was study adviser. “
“To validate the Thai version of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) for patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). The Thai version of the HAQ was administered to 47 patients with PsA attending our rheumatology clinic. Clinical assessments included the measures of disease activity, disease severity and functional status. The correlation of the single items and total score of the Thai HAQ with the measures of disease activity, disease severity and functional status was assessed using Pearson’s correlation or Spearman rank correlation, as appropriate. Of 47 patients who fulfilled the Classification Criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis (CASPAR), 21 were male. Their mean age ± standard deviation (SD) and Interleukin-3 receptor mean disease duration ± SD were 49 ± 10 years and 6.97 ± 6.17 years, respectively. Spondylitis was the most common manifestation (38%). The mean Thai HAQ score was 0.47. The single items and total score of the Thai HAQ were moderately to highly correlated with several measures of disease activity (r = 0.32–0.81, P < 0.01), except for swollen joint count (r = 0.16). For functional status and disease severity, the Thai HAQ was moderately correlated with grip strength (r = −0.39, P < 0.01), but poorly correlated with the range of spinal movement and the number of damaged joints. (r = −0.01 to 0.17).

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