The heater system is coated with a second copper plate 200 × 200 × 4 mm3. These two copper blocks are screwed into place so that they made good contact with the heater source. Precautions were taken to achieve uniform distribution of heat flux at the upper surface of the heat source. The heating panel was fed with a direct current power supply that Selleckchem MI-503 has 400 W total powers. The input voltage and current are controlled by a power supply device and measured with an accuracy of 1%. As shown in Figure 3, thermal insulating layers (30-mm thick) of PTFE with thermal conductivity 0.3 W/mK are placed on all faces
of the test section except the top side in order to minimize the heat losses which are estimated to be lower than 7%. Figure 2 Top view of the test section with 50 minichannels. Figure 3 Detailed test model assembly. Instrumentation To understand the physical phenomena, experimental setup and local instrumentation have been developed and experiments were conducted. The inner wall temperature of the minichannels is measured CAL-101 concentration using K-type microthermocouples of 75 μm diameter. Microthermocouples are inserted in drillings on the back side of the copper plate as shown in Figure 4a. They were soldered using a high-conductivity material along the walls of the first and 41th minichannels. The first minichannel is located
at 2 mm from the edge of the test section, near the entry of the working fluid. The channel 41 is located at 160 mm far from the edge of the test section. At the first channel 7, microthermocouples were implemented at 0.5 mm below the wetted surface at 12, 30, 48, 66, 103, 121, and 139 mm from the channel inlet. In addition, seven microthermocouples were implemented at 8 mm below the wetted surface at 8, 26, 44, 63, 98, 116, and 134 mm from the channel inlet (as shown in Figure 4b).
Regarding channel 41, nine thermocouples were implemented at 0.5 mm below the wetted surface at 10, 28, 46, 62, 83, 101, 119, 137, 154 mm from the channel inlet. In addition, seven microthermocouples were implemented at 8 mm below the wetted surface at 14, 50, 36, 68, 86, 104, 123, and 159 mm from the channel inlet. A high-speed camera is installed in front of the test section to visually record the flow evolution. Data acquisition is entirely automated using the Labview Cediranib (AZD2171) data acquisition system (National Instruments Corp., Austin, TX, USA). Figure 4 Bottom of the test section and location of thermocouples inside copper plate wall. (a) Bottom views of the test section showing the implemented thermocouples and (b) location of thermocouples inside copper plate wall for the first channel. Experimental procedure, data reduction, and uncertainties For all tests, the heat exchange surface was Ralimetinib oriented vertically. The liquid in the tank was first preheated to the required temperature. The liquid flow rate was adjusted with a regulating valve at the desired value. All temperatures were recorded during time.