Study overview On separate days following heat acclimation and an incremental exercise test to exhaustion, participants performed a total of three selleck chemical hilly 46.4-km AZD2014 experimental cycling time trials (described below) in hot environmental conditions (33.3 ± 1.1°C; 50 ± 6% r.h.). Three trials were
conducted in a randomized counterbalanced order. Prior to the commencement of all performance trials (t=−180 min), subjects were required to ingest 25 BM of a cold (4°C) beverage containing 6% carbohydrate (CHO; Gatorade, Pepsico, Australia, NSW, Australia). Additionally, on two occasions, subjects were also exposed to an established combined external and internal precooling technique, whereby iced towels were applied to the subject’s skin while ingesting additional fluid in the form of an ice slurry (slushie) made from sports drink (PC). The precooling method used in this study, as previously described [11], commenced 60
min prior to the start of the trial (t=−60 min) and was applied for a period of 30 min. During one of the precooling c-Met inhibitor trials, the recommended dose [25] of 1.2 BM glycerol (PC+G) was added to the large fluid bolus in a double blind fashion. PC and PC+G trials were compared to a control trial, which consisted of the large beverage ingestion without glycerol and received no precooling (CON). Experimental trials were separated by 3–7 d with a consistent recovery time between trials for each subject. Heat acclimation Prior to the first experimental trial, subjects visited the laboratory on at least nine occasions to heat acclimate and familiarize with the cycle ergometer (Velotron, Racermate Inc., Seattle, WA, USA) and the experimental exercise protocol (simulated Beijing Olympic time trial course as previously described [11]). Heat acclimation was completed over a three-week period and consisted of prolonged (>60 min) sub-maximal self-paced cycling, which was performed on at least nine occasions. All acclimation sessions were conducted in a heat chamber under climatic conditions (32-35°C, 50% r.h.) similar to the experimental trials (described below). In addition to the heat acclimation trials,
all subjects completed at least one familiarization trial of the experimental cycling protocol in the heat chamber. Incremental STAT inhibitor cycle test Prior to the first experimental trial subject’s maximal aerobic power (MAP) and peak oxygen consumption ( O2peak) were characterized by performing a progressive maximal exercise test on a cycle ergometer (Lode Excalibur Sport, Groningen, The Netherlands) as previously described [11]. Experimental time trials Subjects followed a standardized pre-packaged diet and training schedule for 24 h prior to each experimental trial. The standardized diet was supplied in the form of pre-packaged meals and snacks, providing 9 BM CHO; 1.5 BM protein; 1.5 BM fat, with a total energy goal of 230 BM. Subjects refrained from any intake of caffeine and alcohol over this period.