Standardised instruments JAK will be used to trawl hospital and mental health notes to record episodes of contact or treatment with any CAMHS professional. The unified NHS appointment and care tracking system will also be used. (The trial process is diagrammatically presented in online supplementary appendix 1). Outcome measures We will examine whether CCBT affects outcome in terms of: Feasibility outcome measures The acceptability of a CCBT programme for adolescents. The willingness of clinicians to recruit and young people to be randomised. Numbers of eligible participants and recruitment rates. Adherence to treatment
and outcome measures. Time needed to collect data. The SDs of outcome measures to estimate sample size in a fully powered RCT. Clinical outcome measures Scores on the short BDI questionnaire (primary outcome measure). Scores on the
MFQ, the Spence Anxiety Scale, the EQ5D-Y, the HUI2 (Health Utilities Index) and the resource use questions. (Measures of health-related quality of life and resource use provide the bases to evaluate whether cost-effectiveness would be feasible as part of a fully powered study). Information relating to progression to further treatment, episodes of self-harm and any inpatient admissions. Qualitative outcomes Acceptability of the intervention and the trial process will also be studied using a qualitative approach. We will conduct qualitative interviews with a purposively sampled group of study participants. Based on previous research,
a sample of 20 participants should be sufficient to collect adequate data.22 The purposive sampling frame will ensure maximum variation within the qualitative sample on the basis of age, gender and depression score. Most (15) participants will be from the CCBT arm of the trial. A smaller number (5) of participants will be included from both withdrawals from treatment and the websites group. All 20 participants will be interviewed once after randomisation but prior to disclosure of allocation and again 1 week after their completion/withdrawal from the CCBT programme (or equivalent time for those accessing self-help websites). Qualitative interviews will be conducted using a topic guide to ensure consistency across participants. During the qualitative interviews, information will be collected on topics including experiences of depression, responses to symptoms of depression and which health outcomes would be of the greatest value to this particular group. Cilengitide Data will also be collected on the trial process itself and include questions on the acceptability of the treatment and location, the randomisation procedure and methods of data collection. Qualitative interviews will be audio recorded digitally and transcribed verbatim. Data will be managed in Atlas/ti or NVivo 9 and will be analysed according to the constant comparison method through thematic coding of the data.