However, the Australian HIV-infected population, as in this cohort, has been shown to be virologically well suppressed with good immune recovery [21], and the findings would be applicable
to similar HIV-infected populations. Of interest is that 38.7% of our patients had pre-vaccination H1N1 antibody titres MK-1775 molecular weight of ≥ 1:40, suggesting that H1N1 infection was more widespread than in the general Sydney population, where only 11.7% of individuals were reported to have titres ≥ 1:40 [11]. Preventative public health advice for febrile citizens to avoid school or the workplace should possibly be extended to social gatherings (bars, night clubs and sex on premises venues) to reduce influenza transmission in inner city MSM settings. In conclusion, we found a high prevalence of pre-vaccination H1N1 antibodies in our HIV-1-infected patients during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic and that vaccination response rates were significantly improved in patients on ART with suppressed HIV viraemia. This higher vaccination response rate with suppressed HIV has also been noted for other vaccines [22], suggesting that stabilization of the cell-mediated immune system is important for adequate antibody responses [23]. We would like to thank Anthony Price, Dean Butler and all other nursing and medical unit staff for their assistance in data collection and patient recall. We would also like to thank the staff of South Eastern Area Laboratory Services Serology laboratory
Histidine ammonia-lyase for their contributions. Albion Street Centre is a facility of the South Eastern Sydney Local Hospital Network. Author contributions: HM, SJ and DS conceived and designed the study. PR performed laboratory measurements TSA HDAC mouse and contributed reagents/materials. HM, SJ and PR analysed the data. HM, SJ, DS, PR, TB and VF wrote the paper. “
“The aim of the study was to examine the service use and characteristics of young people diagnosed with HIV infection aged under 25
years in order to design appropriate services. A retrospective review of medical records of all individuals diagnosed as HIV positive aged under 25 years at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK was carried out. The Health Protection Agency traced all individuals who had been lost to follow-up. We collected demographic, clinical, social and behavioural data. Of the 100 individuals diagnosed as HIV positive aged <25 years, 91% acquired HIV sexually; the median age at diagnosis was 21 years. Fifty-nine per cent were born outside the UK. Of 91 individuals diagnosed in the UK, 20% were diagnosed outside genitourinary medicine. Almost half had tested HIV negative a median of 13 months previously. At HIV diagnosis, 26% had a concurrent sexually transmitted infection; thereafter 34% had a documented risk of HIV transmission. The prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity was high (23%). Cervical screening rates were low; of nine women screened, five required treatment for cervical or vulval neoplasia.