Evidence supporting this schema comes from both humans and nonhum

Evidence supporting this schema comes from both humans and nonhuman primates.203,208-210 Due to maintained segregation along each of these corticobasal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits, there is limited direct communication among the separate functional domains, except by way of corticocortical interactions. While essentially the entire cortical mantle is mapped topographically onto the striatum210 – which is often considered the ”input“ portion

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the basal ganglia – the cortically directed signals from the basal ganglia, output nuclei (internal pallidum and SNr) are returned exclusively to foci within the frontal lobe (after first passing through the corresponding portions of the thalamus.) Because of the parallel organization of these circuits, the operations performed at corresponding stations (eg, striatum, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical pallidum, thalamus) are predicted to be similar. Accordingly, clarification of how the motor circuit, operates may be relevant to our understanding of how the other circuits might, function. On the basis of what, is already known or suspected about the functions subserved by each circuit in the normal state, multiple studies have begun to address predictions that some of those

functions may be lost in PD due to impaired information processing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical caused by depletion of striatal DA (Table III).193,209,211-223 The pathophysiology of motor dysfunction in PD has been clarified recently by advances on several fronts, including physiological studies in animal models of parkinsonism, neuronal recordings and DBS in humans with PD, functional brain imaging in PD patients, and computational modeling Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of neuronal

circuitry. To understand these developments, it is useful to consider the functional Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical organization of basal ganglia motor circuitry in some detail. Role of DA in basal ganglia circuitry DA has a pivotal and extremely complex role in controlling the flow of information through the basal ganglia. SNc provides dopaminergic innervation to the entire neostriatum, including the motor territory within the putamen. Through an intricate web of Ceritinib mouse presynaptic and postsynaptic connections, nigrostriatal neurons modulate the responsiveness of striatal projection neurons – medium spiny neurons (MSNs) – to converging glutamatergic inputs from cortex and thalamus and local Isotretinoin GABAergic feedback from neighboring MSNs. The nigrostriatal pathway provides an extraordinarily dense dopaminergic input, to each MSN, comparable in magnitude to the 5000 or so corticostriatal synapses that individual MSNs receive.224-226 Dopaminergic terminals from SNc form postsynaptic axospinous and axodendritic synapses with MSNs, and presynaptic axoaxonic synapses with the terminal boutons of corticostriatal fibers, which synapse mainly on the spines of MSNs.

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