Effects of the PKC inhibitors on inositol triphosphate production These results are shown in Table 4. IP3 concentrations meanwhile increased significantly following e posure of neutrophils to PAF or FMLP, peaking at 10 sec after addition of the chemoattractant. Pre incubation of the cells with GF10903 resulted in significant increases in IP3 concentrations. Effects of GF10903 on LTB4 production by activated neutrophils LTB4 production by PAF activated neutrophils was markedly increased in the presence of GF10903 from 175 31 to 794 51 pg 107 cells in the absence or presence of the PKC inhibitor respectively, ris ing from a basal value of 24 6 pg 107 for resting cells. Discussion The results of the current study have identified a role for PKC in promoting restoration of Ca2 homeostasis and down regulation of Ca2 dependent pro inflammatory activity to chemoattractant activated human neutrophils.
Notwithstanding those which target IP3 and its receptor, well characterized mechanisms which promote efficient clearance of Ca2 from the cytosol of activated neutrophils include i the electrical gradient created by the membrane depolarizing action of NADPH o idase that restricts the influ of Ca2 via store operated Ca2 channels and ii the combined action of two ATP driven Ca2 pumps, namely the Ca2 resequestering endomembrane Ca2 ATPase and the plasma membrane Ca2 ATPase, that actively transports Ca2 out of the cell. How ever, based on the following observations, neither NADPH o idase nor either of the Ca2 pumps were con sidered to be putative targets for PKC in our e perimental setting.
Firstly, PAF, at the concentrations used in this study, does not activate NADPH o idase, effectively e cluding alterations in membrane potential as a mecha nism for the prolonged cytosolic Ca2 transients observed with the PKC inhibitors. Secondly, the apparent enhanced Ca2 efflu in the presence of GF10903 is not compatible with inhibition of the plasma membrane associated Ca2 ATPase, which is upregulated by sustained elevations in cytosolic Ca2 concentrations. Thirdly, the sensitivity of the endomembrane Ca2 ATPase to rolipram was pre served in PAF activated neutrophils Anacetrapib pretreated with the PKC inhibitors, suggesting that these agents do not signif icantly interfere with the refilling of Ca2 stores.
From a mechanistic perspective however, treatment of neutrophils with GF10903 significantly elevated and prolonged the concentrations of the intracellular second messenger, IP3, in chemoattractant activated neutrophils. The apparent doubling of IP3 concentrations in the pres ence of Olaparib PARP inhibitor the PKC inhibitor observed in the current study likely maintains IP3 receptors in an open state for longer periods, facilitating sustained Ca2 release by promoting shuttling of the cation between the stores and the cytosol.