EDX analysis of the nanotube shows that it is composed of Cd and

EDX analysis of the nanotube shows that it is composed of Cd and Se only, with Cd to Se ratio approximately equals 1 (Figure Natural Product Library 1f; the C and Cu signals in the EDX spectrum come from the TEM grid). Figure 1 Morphology, crystal structure, and chemical composition. (a) Top-view and (b) side-view SEM images of the typical CdSe nanotube arrays on ITO/glass; the inset in (a) shows the magnified SEM image of a single nanotube (scale bar, 100 nm). (c) The XRD data of the sample (the diffraction peaks from the ITO substrate are marked with asterisks). (d) The

TEM image, (e) the SAD pattern, and (f) the EDX spectrum taken from a single CdSe nanotube. Optical properties Figure 2a shows the typical optical transmittance spectra of CdSe nanotube arrays on ITO. Strong visible light absorption is observed with a rather sharp bandgap absorption edge at approximately 700 nm. Estimation of the bandgap of the CdSe nanotube samples has been made from the absorption spectrum (Figure 2b). For direct optical transitions

(i.e., CdSe in the present case), the relationship between the absorption coefficient, α, and incident photon energy, hν, near the band edge can be expressed as TAM Receptor inhibitor follows: where A is a constant and E g is the optical bandgap. By plotting (αhν)2 as a function of hν, one can determine E g by extrapolating the linear portion of the curve to intersect energy axis [34, 35]. The optical selleck inhibitor bandgap of CdSe nanotube arrays is determined as approximately 1.7 eV being consistent with the literature value of CdSe [36]. Figure 2 Optical properties. (a) Optical transmittance spectrum of CdSe nanotube arrays on ITO. (b) The corresponding plot of (αhν)2 vs. hν to determine its optical bandgap. Photoelectrochemical performance The photoelectrochemical measurements were performed under visible light illumination (λ > 400 nm, 100 mW/cm2) in the sulfide-sulfite (S2−/SO3 2−) aqueous electrolyte to suppress the photocorrosion of CdSe nanotubes [37–41]. The photoelectrochemical (PEC) performance of CdSe nanotube arrays under dark and illumination conditions are presented

in Figure 3a. In the dark, the current density-potential (J-V) characteristics shows a typical rectifying behavior, with a small current density of 1.8 × 10−2 mA/cm2 at a potential of −0.2 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). When the photoelectrode is illuminated by the visible light, the photocurrent density shows a two orders of magnitude increase to 3.0 mA/cm2 at the same potential. The positive photocurrent indicates that CdSe nanotubes act as photoanode being consistent with the n-type conductivity of unintentionally doped CdSe. During repeated on-off cycles of illumination (Figure 3b), prompt and steady photocurrent generation can be obtained, which indicates the fast photoresponse of CdSe nanotube arrays and neglectable photocorrosion to the electrode.

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