Characteristics of cDNA libraries are summarized in Figure 1A A

Characteristics of cDNA libraries are summarized in Figure 1A. A total of 28 606 ESTs (mean length: 504 ± 170 bp) were generated which covered around 14.4 Mb. Clustering of all EST sequences was performed by TGICL [35] resulted in 10 923 unique transcripts (i.e., unigenes which covered 6.4 Mb). About 75% HSP990 price of the clusters contained one EST (i.e., singletons; n = 8 211) and 25% contained ESTs assembled in a consensus sequence (i.e., contigs, n = 2 712). The normalized library and the ovary libraries

contained a greater proportion of contigs which is likely due to the deeper sequencing of these libraries (Figure 1C.). The average length of these unigenes was 590 ± 250 bp with a GC content of 33.5% and an average coverage of 3.5 (Figure 1B) Functional annotation was performed on all 10 923 unigenes through BLASTx and tBLASTx similarity searches against various databases. Because of the ancient divergence between A. vulgare and the closest sequenced genomes we used a cut-off threshold of 1e-05. A total of 44% of the unigenes had BLAST similarities to known sequences, JQ-EZ-05 chemical structure mainly from Ae. aegypti

(10.5%), An. gambiae (8.7%), D. melanogaster (7%), and different malacostracans (3.1%) with an e-value lower than 1e-20 for 64.8% of the unigenes. The remaining 66% of unigenes showing no match could correspond to species-specific genes or UTR extremities of the cDNA. Functional analysis GO annotation was carried out using BLAST2GO software (Figures 1D, 2B). A total of 42% of unigenes were annotated after the BLAST2GO annotation procedure for High Scoring Pair (HSP) coverage of 0%. While we kept the unigenes/GO dataset corresponding to the minimum HSP coverage percentage, the mean number

of GO terms assigned per unigene was low (1.18 GO term/unigene, Figure 1E). To determine the effect of Wolbachia on host gene expression, an in silico subtraction was performed between libraries of symbiotic (SO) and asymbiotic (AO) ovaries. In these libraries, a total of 4564 oxyclozanide unigenes have been annotated and based on the R statistics, only 6 unigenes were differentially represented: 3 unigenes were over-represented in symbiotic ovaries while 3 were over-represented in asymbiotic ovaries. Unfortunately, these unigenes could not be identified by BLAST and only one is associated to a biological function (see Additional File 2: Unigenes differentially represented between symbiotic and asymbiotic ovaries). The immune processes were over-represented in symbiotic ovaries (Table 1 and Additional File 3: Processes and functions over-represented in A. vulgare ovaries in response to Wolbachia infection, biological process levels 4 and 6).

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