Budding cells have been credited with the properties of malign

.. Budding cells have been credited with the properties of malignant stem cells including the potential for redifferentiation both locally and at sites of distant metastasis and marking, what appears to be, the first histological event in tumor cell migration sellekchem and invasion. Supporting this hypothesis further is the presence of ��pseudopodia-like�� cytoplasmic protrusions in tumor buds which have been identified by both electron microscopy and recently by immunohistochemistry with pan-cytokeratins[17,20]. These podia appear to be in direct contact with the adjacent interstitial tissue suggesting their formation occurs during tumor cell migration. Moreover, Shinto et al[21] recently suggested that cytoplasmic pseudo-fragments could be used as a marker for an activated budding phenotype that is associated with cell motility and increased invasiveness independent of the extent of budding.

Not surprisingly, tumor buds have been shown to over-express proteins involved in extracellular matrix degradation and to under-express adhesion molecules. Previous studies on EMT and events occurring at the invasive tumor front implicate, in particular, the Wingless-INT (WNT) signalling pathway in the process of tumor budding evidenced by increased ��-catenin immunohistochemical staining in tumor buds, a concomitant loss of E-cadherin and over-expression of laminin5��2 along with activation of transcriptional repressors SLUG, and ZEB1[22,23].

Over-expression of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), matrix metalloproteinase-7 and -9 (MMP7, MMP9), matrilysin, CD44, Ep-CAM, and extensive staining of ��(III)-tubulin, a major constituent Anacetrapib of microtubules, have all been reported[20,23-30] suggestive of the invasion and migration potential of tumor buds. Tumor buds seem to over-express CXCL12, a stromal cell-derived factor whose receptor CXC4 is involved in chemotaxis and angiogenesis[31]. In addition, we recently documented the over-expression of the putative colorectal CSC marker ABCG5 within tumor buds leading to a poorer outcome of patients including those with node-negative disease (Hostettler, World Journal of Gastroenterology, in press). Whether a sub-population of tumor buds may in fact represent malignant stem cells is still an open question which necessitates further investigation. Prognostic impact of tumor budding Since tumor budding appears to play a critical role in the initiation of metastasis, several authors have investigated the potential of this feature to predict dissemination of tumor cells to regional lymph nodes. A significant association between tumor budding and lymph node positivity has been consistently demonstrated correlating with tumor aggressiveness and more advanced TNM stage[32-43].

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