The different AP24534 ratios for H RNAi treatment obtained by the two different normalization methods highlights the additional mechanistic information that can be deduced when nor malizing by the uninduced E m3 promoter activity. Hairless acts as a repressor in the uninduced cells, but has no apparent role in Notch activated cells. Splitting the cells into three different assays also allows the uninduced Notch target promoter measure ment to be used as an alternative and specific control for Notch induced activity. This additional control flags dsRNA treatments that may specifically affect transcrip tion of the viral OpIE2 promoter. RNAi treatment may modulate either the signal of interest and or the control signal and the resulting ratios may be altered indistin guishably between these possibilities.
Whereas this sec ond control will sort a subset of these dsRNAs as definitively altering Notch target transcription. The Notch activity assay responded in a predictable and specific manner to RNAi of known Notch signaling components, and these data establish our experimental set up as optimal for detecting changes in Notch transcriptional activities. Genome wide RNAi screen and data analysis The RNAi screen was performed using a dsRNA library from the Drosophila RNAi Screening Center, containing a total of 23,560 dsRNAs, targeting known and predicted gene products. After four days of RNAi treatment, cells were uniformly dispensed by robotic liquid handling into microplates containing the different transfection mixes. Each assay was performed in duplicate, and firefly luciferase activity was measured 24 h after transfection.
For data analysis, we eliminated Drug_discovery all wells containing dsRNA with more than one off target, as predicted by the Drosophila RNAi Screening Center. Of the dsRNA in the final hit lists, 12% contained a single pos sible predicted off target and are noted in the data tables. Data from the screen were analyzed by the two complementary methods described above. Prospective hits were selected as dsRNAs that significantly perturbed the Notch induced signal, normalized by the control promoter, resulting in 153 hits with significantly low and 130 with significantly high signals respectively. A complementary set of hits were selected with signals from Notch induced reporter, normalized by the uninduced promo ter, resulting in 74 hits with significantly low and 75 hits with significantly high signals.
Analyzing the data by these two methods provided a full spectrum of Notch signaling effectors that could be further categorized ARQ197 supplier by their respective activities. Hits that scored in both normaliza tion methods represent the subset of genes that either affect Notch induced transcription specifically or have opposing effects between induced and uninduced tran scription, such as Su.