To explain this finding, the ICG-001 price crystal structure was analyzed by XRD to confirm the crystal growth after RTA treatment. As the temperature increased from room temperature to 750°C, all of the XRD profiles, as shown in Figure 5a, confirmed that both the as-deposited and post-annealed BaTiO3 thin films have a cubic phase with a single perovskite structure [16]. Figure 5b shows an enlargement of the 110 main peak of the as-deposited BaTiO3 thin films and post-annealed thin films at various temperatures. It can be noted that the spectral peaks do not shift in position but do broaden. Moreover, R788 concentration the crystallite size of AD-deposited BaTiO3 thin films on platinum-coated
substrates at room temperature calculated by Scherrer’s equation was 11.3 nm. After post-annealing at 550, 650, and 750°C, the crystallite sizes were 14.5, 16.3, and 17.5 nm, respectively. Similar phenomenon was reported
by Kim et al. [17] for BaTiO3 films sintered at 800, 900, and 1,000°C. Combined with the surface morphology after RTA, this finding can be explained by surface energy theory as follows [18]. After the RTA treatment, the surface energy would be reduced by combining individual particles into a bulk with a solid interface to enhance the particle-to-particle ABT 888 bonding. As the RTA temperature increased from room temperature to 650°C, volume diffusion dominates the annealing process, resulting in densification and removal of the pores in bulk films. Therefore, a smoother surface morphology and reduction in crater diameter were observed during this process. However, when the annealing temperature was 750°C, cross grain Clomifene boundary diffusion became significant, leading to a change in surface roughness and microstructure. Figure 5 XRD profile of the AD-deposited BaTiO 3 thin films deposited on platinum-coated substrates. (a) Annealing at various temperatures and (b) 110 peak between 30° and 33°. Conclusions In this study, BaTiO3 thin films with thickness of 0.2 μm were deposited
on platinum-coated silicon substrates at room temperature by AD. Different thin films deposited using starting powders of various sizes were investigated, and the results confirmed that the macroscopic defects such as pores and incompletely crushed particles could be reduced by employing BT-03B starting powder. An interface roughness of less than 50 nm and a minimum surface roughness of 14.3 nm were obtained after RTA treatment at 650°C. As the annealing temperature increased from room temperature to 650°C, the calculated crystalline size increased from 11.3 to 16.3 nm. Thus, the surface morphology and the densification of AD-deposited BaTiO3 thin films can be controlled by appropriate choice of RTA temperature to achieve a low leakage current. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIP) No.