Patients with non-alcoholic AP were divided check details into two groups – with and without NAFLD. We analyzed the frequency of PlE, BISAP score, MAS, DBS, frequency of ICU admission and mean LOS. The results were compared in the two groups using the student’s t- test and CHI square test. Conclusions: NAFLD 1. as a single marker, correlates well with all other indicators of severity;
single as well as well established scoring systems. 2. is associated with increased severity of AP. 3. diagnosed by initial abdominal US or CT performed in the ER should serve as a single, early, easily available, radiological marker of severity in AP. Refer-ences:1. Sawalhi S et al. Does the Presence of Obesity and/ or Metabolic Syndrome Affect the Course of Acute Pancreati-tis?:A Prospective Study. Pancreas 2014; 43(4):565-70. 2. Tenner S et al. American College of Gastroenterology Guideline: Management of Acute Pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108:1400–15. Disclosures: The following people have nothing to disclose: Sarfaraz A. Jasdanwala, Shivank Madan, Rajagopalan
Sivaprasad, Capecomorin Pitchumoni Objective: NASH is a globally challenging clinical morbidly; causing cirrhosis and liver cancer in due time with formidable cost burden. Therapeutic modalities have X-396 datasheet not yet been fully established. Anti-oxidants and insulin sensitizers altering insulin resistance, Clomifene inhibiting intra hepatic oxidative stress with inhibition of formation of free radicals and blocking inflammatory cytokines to prevent fibrosis. Berberine is a natural substance extracted
from plants like Berberis which is found to up-reg-ulate intra hepatic pathways as insulin sensitizer, via GLP-1 up regulation and Acyl palmotyl mechanism on fatty acid oxidation, induction of PPAR gama; all that blocks the terminal inflammatory Cytokine release TNF Alfa to prevent fibrosis that will prevent the End stage liver disease (ESLD) and liver cancer. Methods: Hundred and twenty patients (n=120) with NASH were recruited. Mean BMI 29.9% (29% to 32%) with 69 males and 51 females. Hispanic 46, Caucasians 34, Asian Pacific15, Black 11, Asian 14. Mean HbA1C 6.2 (5.9- 6.8), Mean HOMA 2.7 (2.1-3.6), ALT 54 (38-79), Triglyceride 287 (233-344), LDL c 163 (129-176), Leptin 63 (43-98), Adiponec-tin 0.9 (0.1-1.1), RBP 4 of 5.8 (4.0-6.8), TNF Alfa 3.8 (2.1-4.8), IL 12 of 5.3 (3.9-7.8), Serum Fibrotic and Steatotic scores were measured at 0 and then at 6 months. Daily allowed caloric content was 2,000 cal/ day, no documented exercise except daily activities at baseline for 6 months. All patients were divided into: Primary endpoints: ALT normalization, near normalization of HOMA Index and lipid panel Secondary endpoints: Normalization of Inflammatory markers eg. Leptin, TNF Alfa, IL 10, and reversal of fibrosis and steatosis score.