Children know that transformations might affect how sets can be measured by one-to-one correspondence, but they are unable to predict which transformations do or do not affect this measure. Prior to the mastery of number words and counting, children thus do not recognize that one-to-one correspondence pairings instantiate all of the properties of the relation of exact numerical equality: more specifically, they recognize that one-to-one correspondence pairings are FRAX597 concentration stable as long as the sets
remains identical (the Identity principle) but not how these pairings are affected by additions, subtractions, or substitutions applied to one set (the Addition/Subtraction and Substitution principles). Our findings thus stand in contrast both to the thesis that Navitoclax children who have not mastered counting can represent only purely approximate ensembles of objects,
and to the thesis that such children represent exact number. On the one hand, children’s understanding goes beyond approximate equality, because when they track a set that remains identical, they are sensitive to its exact number of elements. On the other hand, their understanding does not entail all aspects of the mathematical definition of exact number. To acquire a full concept of numerical equality, children may later enrich this initially restricted concept of identity. Our findings replicate and extend previous reports that young children sometimes use one-to-one correspondence as a successful strategy for producing or evaluating sets of objects. For example, subset-knowers can judge whether two sets aligned in visual correspondence are “the same” or not (Sarnecka & Gelman, 2004). Young children also use one-to-one correspondence spontaneously when sharing a set among several recipients (Mix, 2002). In Piaget’s experiments, moreover, children use one-to-one correspondence to construct sets of the same number (Gréco and Morf, 1962 and Piaget,
1965). Finally, set-reproduction tasks have been used to assess knowledge of exact quantities in populations of children and adults without access to exact numerical symbols (Butterworth et al., 2008, Everett and Madora, 2012, Flaherty and Senghas, 2011, Frank et al., 2008, Gordon, 2004 and Spaepen et al., 2011). However, the use of one-to-one correspondence strategies in set-matching tasks cannot stand as definitive evidence for understanding exact equality, for two reasons. Resminostat First, across different versions of set-reproduction tasks, marked differences in performance have been observed when the spatial distribution or the nature of the items to be matched were varied: participants generally showed high performance when the model and response sets were visually aligned, and much lower performance when these two sets were presented in different modalities or spatial configurations, or when one of the sets was hidden from view as the participants gave their responses (Frank et al., 2008, Gordon, 2004 and Spaepen et al., 2011; see Frank et al.