The patient characteristics are presented in Table Table1 1 On a

The patient characteristics are presented in Table Table1.1. On admission to the intensive care unit, the mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score was 26.3 �� 6.6 for the rh-aPC group and 28.6 �� 5.3 for the control group, with a risk of death of 41.0 �� 22.9% and 57.6 �� 25.7%, respectively. The mortality rate was 36.4% in the rh-aPC group and 60% in the control group.Table 1Patient characteristicsFour patients in the rh-aPC group (Table (Table1,1, Patients 2, 4, 9, and 11) and one patient in the control group (Table (Table1,1, Patient 4) presented severe sepsis/septic shock on intensive care unit admission, while the other patients developed sepsis after admission to the intensive care unit.From the two-way analysis of variance test, significant differences between groups were found for StO2 downslope (P < 0.

01), StO2 upslope, the SOFA score (P < 0.05) and the mean arterial pressure (P < 0.001).The Friedman test showed that the norepinephrine and dobutamine rates significantly decreased only in the rh-aPC group (P < 0.01), and not in the control group (Table (Table22).Table 2Cardiac index, ITBVI, norepinephrine dose, and dobutamine dose before, during, and after rh-aPC treatmentThe SOFA score, compared with T0, was significantly lower at T1c and T1d (10.1 �� 2.3 vs. 8.8 �� 2.0 and 8.0 �� 2.3; P < 0.05) and at T2 (7.9 �� 2.2; P < 0.01) (Figure (Figure1).1). At T2 the SOFA score was significantly reduced compared with the control group (7.9 �� 2.2 vs. 12.2 �� 3.2; P < 0.05). In the control group, no differences were found with respect to baseline values.

Figure 1Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score before, during, and after recombinant activated protein C treatment. The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score in the recombinant activated protein C (rh-aPC) group before, during, and after rh-aPC …There were no significant differences in the macrohemodynamic parameters (cardiac index and intrathoracic blood volume index) at T0, during therapy, and at T2 (Table (Table2).2). The mean arterial pressure was no different at T0 between groups, while it was significantly increased during treatment only in the rh-aPC group (T2 93.8 �� 12.8 vs. T0 81 �� 10.9 mmHg) (Figure (Figure22).Figure 2Mean arterial pressure before, during, and after recombinant activated protein C treatment. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) in the recombinant activated protein AV-951 C (rh-aPC) group before, during, and after rh-aPC treatment, and in the control group at the …With regard to metabolic acidosis in the rh-aPC group, base excess was significantly corrected (P < 0.01) after 24 hours from T0 and remained corrected until T2 (Figure (Figure3a).3a).

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