Prolific replication and rapid spread of H PRRSV virus resulted in a vigorous inflammatory response as indicated by aberrantly high and sustained expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemo kines, CAMs selleckbio and genes associated with adaptive immune response including TNFa, IFN g, IL2RG, IL8, CSF2, IRG6, SELL, ICAM, C type lectin, MIP 3, CXCL2, CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL2, CCR5, MHC I, B2M, TAP1 and MHC II. This was compounded by signifi cant cell death and elevated expression of TNF, NFKBIA, GADDIB, perforin, granzyme B, CASP3 and cytochrome c, coupled with increased ROS mediated oxidative stress as indicated by up regulation of cyto chrome b245 and HMOX1, and down regulation of the antioxidant GPX2. H PRRSV replicated rapidly resulting in excessively vigorous immune and inflammatory responses that contributed to severe tissue damage, high pathogenicity and in some cases, death.
The systems analysis carried out here provides a comprehensive basis for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of H PRRSV and the identification of genetic components involved in H PRRSV resistance susceptibility in swine populations. Methods Experimental animals and tissue collection All animal procedures were performed according to guidelines developed by the China Council on Animal Care and protocols were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of Guangdong Province, China. Nine conventionally reared healthy 6 week old crossbred weaned pigs were selected from a high health commercial farm that has historically been free from all major pig diseases includ ing PRRSV, porcine circovirus type 2, classical swine fever virus, porcine parvovirus, pseudorabies virus, swine influenza virus and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infec tions.
All pigs were PRRSV seronegative as determined by ELISA and absence of PRRSV was Drug_discovery confirmed by RT PCR. Pigs were randomly assigned to three groups and raised in isolation rooms. Six pigs were inoculated with 6 ml viral suspension of H PRRSV at a dose of 106. 0 TCID50 ml 1 on day 0. Three C pigs were treated with an identical volume of DMEM culture medium from uninfected MARC 145 cells 1 day prior to experimental infection, and were immediately necropsied. H PRRSV inoculated pigs were clinically examined daily and rectal body temperatures were recorded from day 2 to 7 pi. Viral re isolates and H PRRSV specific RT PCR were performed after the pigs were sacrificed.
Three infected pigs randomly chosen were necropsied at 96 h pi and 168 h pi. Lung samples were collected from C, H96 and H168, and frozen in liquid nitrogen for RNA isolation or fixed in 10% neutralized buffered formalin for histo logical processing. Virus re isolation and QPCR detection Heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, selleckchem Oligomycin A lymph and brain tissue were collected at autopsy. Samples were placed in steri lized PBS buffer, homogenized and centrifuged to har vest supernatants for virus re isolation and detection of H PRRSV using QPCR.